Have Fun & Help the Library
Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library
15816 Beth Shields Way
Ruskin, FL 33573-4903
ph: 813 634-1396
Members: Some of the hardest working Friends Volunteers are the elected Board Members:
The SouthShore Friends have a general membership meeting about three times a year to exchange ideas and keep members up to date. Everyone is welcome. We also publish a NewsLetter, which is available at the library, plus an ENew email....and ofcourse, this web site
Below is a photo of some of the attendees at one of our Friends General Membership Meetings.
The Board wants to thank Gladys & Rich Bromberger and John & Linda Bowker for their special effort in Book Sales.
To learn what The Friends of the Library do on a national and international level, go to the USA Friends of the Library web site USAFOL
If you were a member before YE2006, click here to see if your name is on the Charter Member List CHARTER MEMBERS
Above, Sun City Center Sawdust Engineer Ray LaBlanc is installing new signage outside the Friends Book Store. The Sawdust Engineers have helped the Friends in many ways. The Engineers designed, fabricated and installed the signage so that it "matched" other signage design used at the library entry.
The Sawdust Engineers also desgned and built the Store Book Drop. What a great group!
The Friends are very grateful to the Sun City Center Sawdust Engineers.
Library Hours
Mon – Wed: 10am to 9pm
Thu: 12pm to 8pm
Fri: 10am to 6pm
Sat: 10am to 5pm
Sun: 12:30pm to 5pm
Volunteers: Email Mimi & Tom Rose at for information on volunteering at the Friends Book Sale Room. The hard work of the Friends Volunteers is greatly appeciated.
Below is a photo of some of our Book Store volunteers taken at the April 2009 General Meeting. Joe Stines, Director of Libraries for Hillsborough County (back row,second from left) and Jim Martin, President of the Hillsborough County Library Advisory Board (right) came to SouthShore to honor our "100 Plus Hour" volunteers. Each volunteer recieved a certificate signed by each County Commissionr and a Beals Gift Card. THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEERS!!
Volunteer Directors/Contacts:
Tom/Mimi Rose (633.0677)
Current Book Store Volunteer Schedule (9/10/2011)
10am to 11am: Karen Meredith(634.8093)
11am to 1pm: Dotty Carlson (938.3007) 1st and 3rd week
11am to 1pm: Jean Krueger (633.2480) 2nd & 4th week
1 to 3pm: Charlotte Knaub-Turner (633.3067) **
1 to 3pm: Michelle Farina (938-5716)
3 to 5pm: Roz Cruthis (633.7217)
6 to 7pm: Steffanie Houchin (815.302.8045)
6 to 9 pm: Jake Brumbach (523.7126)
6 to 9 pm: Ann Marie Hampa (943.7919)
6 to 9pm: Mary Beth Hampe (394.0277)
10am to 12pm: Marie Hamly (642.9169)
12:30 to 2:30pm: Larry & Judith Lane (651.1318)
2 to 5pm: Glayds Bromberger (633.8291)
3 to 5pm: Chris Harkins (633.0961)
8 to 9pm: Jacquie Jones (645.5175)
10am to 12pm: Vera Taylor (634.6373)
11am to1pm: Tricia Gerbino (486.3714)
12 to 4pm: Kim Bauer (634.7144)
1 to 4pm: Patty Brandt (634.7699)
4 to 6pm: Jacque Palombo (716.983.0629)
5 to 8pm: Ann Marie Hampe (943.7919)
5 to 8pm: Mary Beth Hampe (394.0277)
7 to 9pm: Jacquie Jones (645.5175)
12 to 3pm: Tricia Gerbino (486.3714)
12:30 to 2:30pm: Marge Yarger (634.2730)
12:30 to 2:30pm: Anne Anderson (642.0114)
3 to 5pm: Bev Galbreath (634.6198)
5 to 8pm: Allyson Burse (404.808.9722)
10am to 1pm: Kyria Joyner (260.3003)
1 to 2pm, Dennis Leffen & Kathy Siminow (633.7798)
2 to 4pm: Janet Doherty (633.3558)**
4 to 6pm: Allysen Burse (404.508.9722)
4 to 6pm: Paul Nguyen (368.2191)
4 to 6pm: Min Kim (678.200.7016)
12 to 3pm: Paul Nguyen (368.2191)
4 to 6pm: Min Kim (678.200.7016)
3 to 5pm, Diane Lawrence (944.8989)
1 to 2pm: Lynn Gardineer (634-6317)
2:30 to 3:30pm: Mary Klopp (633.5971)
3:30 to 5pm: Ron & Bev Engles (633.4059)
** This Volunteer may also be available to substitute for you if need be
Additional Substitute Volunteers
Lou/Carol Byrd (672.2463)
Denise Comeau (642.9004)
The library staff also needs help shelving books in the library. There are many activities that you can become involved in. The important thing is......"Have Fun and Help the Library".
Copyright Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library.
All rights reserved.
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Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library
15816 Beth Shields Way
Ruskin, FL 33573-4903
ph: 813 634-1396